​​​Rejoice Dance Academy
1420 Delaware Ave. McComb, MS

​​​ Kristi Draut- Owner & Instructor​
Susan White- Instructor
Delila Beesley- Instructor
Alyse Renolds - Instructor
Emily Duck- Tumbling Instructor
Brenna McCaskell- Assistant Teacher
Hannah Gill- Assistant Teacher
Melissa McCaskell- Production Manager
About "Miss" Kristi: Growing up primarily in Arizona, Kristi trained in Ballet, Jazz, and Tap for 14 years and was a featured soloist in the Nutcracker. The Lord called her to dance for Him in 1993. At that time she auditioned for and gained a soloist position as well as a lead teaching position with Christian Dance Academy in Houston, Texas. Prior to her first year at the Academy, she felt God speaking to her and saying, "This is what I have been training you for. Teach the little ones to dance for Me." After getting married and moving to Austin, Texas, she joined the touring group One Accord. While in Austin she created and taught children's dance ministry at two different churches. In 2005 Kristi and her family moved to McComb and opened Rejoice.​
About "Miss" Susan: Growing up in the McComb area, Susan's love for dance began at 12 years of age. Once she graduated from college, she began teaching dance in 1976. From 1979 to May 2008, she owned and operated Dance Movements by Susan. During her more than 30 years of teaching, she was involved with numerous dance organizations and choreographed multiple performances throughout the area. After closing her own studio, God opened the door at Rejoice in 2010, allowing her to share her gift and love for dance once again.
​​Statement of Purpose​
​Rejoice Dance Academy has two main purposes given to us by God. The first is to provide Christ-centered dance training for students ages 3 through adult. Teaching them to worship and glorify God through their movement as well as their everyday lives. We do this by teaching in the classroom, scripture memory, and adhering to and enforcing a strict set of standards regarding modesty, music selection, and movement choice. In doing this we are desiring to fulfill the Great Commandment (Luke 10:27); to love and worship the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Our second purpose is to present a clear message of the gospel through our performances and stage productions. Along with this we strive to help in the restoration of dance as a worshipful part of the life in the Church. In doing this we are working to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 21-28); to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to love and obey the Lord Jesus Christ in the dance and all of life.
Statement of Faith
​We believe the Bible is the only infallible, authoritative word of God, the supreme rule for truth and life.
We believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the one and only eternal God, who is Creator and Sustainer of all things.
We believe in the incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, death on the cross, substitutionary atonement for sin, bodily resurrection, and future return of God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the present power and work of God, the Holy Spirit, in the conviction of sin, regeneration, sanctification, and the giving of spiritual gifts to believers for the building up of the body of Christ.
We believe in salvation by the free gift of grace, apart from works, through repentance and personal faith in Jesus Christ the Lord, and the true salvation will result in the manifestation of the Lordship of Jesus Christ- a godly life.