​​​Rejoice Dance Academy
1420 Delaware Ave. McComb, MS
Class Information
​Important Dates: (dates subject to change)​​​
Fall classes start Monday August 4th​
Week of 8/18 bring a friend to class with you
8/23 Nutcracker Auditions
​Labor Day Holiday: Sept. 1st​
Fall Break TBA
Week of 9/29 Parent Observation during students class
​Thanksgiving Holiday Nov. 26th-28th
Nutcracker 12/20
​Christmas Holiday: Dec. 22rd- Jan 2rd
Week of 1/12 bring a friend to class with you
Week of March 2nd Parent Observation during students class
Spring Break: Mar 9th-13th
April 24th End of regular season
Spring Recital: Sat. May 2nd
Classes Available:
(Boys & Girls - Age 3 to Adult)
​​​​TINY TOTS (3 yrs) - 45 min. class; ballet & tumbling​​
​CHERUBS (4 yrs)- 45 min. class; ballet, tap, & tumbling
CREATIVE MOVEMENT (5 yrs) - 1 hr class; ballet and tap
SUNBEAMS (6 yrs) -1 hr class; ballet, tap, & tumbling
INTRO TO BALLET (7 yrs) - 1 hr class; ballet & tumbling
TAP (7 yrs & up) - 30 min. tap class
BALLET I, II, III, IV (8 yrs & up) - 1 to 1 1/2 hr ballet class: To help students develop to their fullest potential as a dancer, students are placed according to their physical ability, level of commitment, attitude, and technical achievement: not according to age.
​POINTE & PREPOINTE - 1 hr class; Must at least be a level Ballet II or higher & must be enrolled in a ballet class
JAZZ I, II, III, IV (8 yrs & up) - ​30 min. to 1 hr class (depending on level)
Private Lessons (8 yrs & up) - 30-45 min. class upon request
TUMBLING- 30 min class
Special Information:
​Coming Winter 2014 - 3rd Annual Rejoice Nutcracker
Grace in Motion Dance Company-
Auditions in fall & spring
Tuition and Fees:
Registration Fee:​ $50.00 (per family) First and Last month tuition due at registration.
Tuition: ​$45.00 per month for 1 class per week
Additional Classes: $10.00 a month per class, 5th or more are free
Private Lessons: $25.00 a session, must come at least twice a month​
Discounts: $10.00 for 1 additional family member, $15.00 for 3 or more (living in the same household).
JPAC students (taking day classes) will receve a 50% tuition discount on evening classes.
* Tuition is based on a 9 month school year regardless of the number of classes per month and is due by 15th of the month. Delinquent accounts and returned checks will be assessed fees.
​​Dress Code ​
​LOWER SCHOOL BALLET- Any color leotard, pink footed tights, full sole ballet shoes, dance skirt (optional),​​​​​​​​ ​hair in bun. ​​​​​​​​​​​​
UPPER SCHOOL BALLET ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​- ​May wear soffee shorts, split sole ballet shoes, & convertible tights, hair in a bun. ​ ​
JAZZ- Jazz pants or shorts (with tights and leotard), t-shirt, jazz shoes, hair pulled back (ponytails allowed​)
TAP- Same as Jazz except black tap shoes.
MALES- White t-shirt, black dance pants or shorts, black ballet or tap shoes.
ADULTS- Same as Jazz.
LYRICAL- Ballet or modern shoes or barefoot, hair pulled back (ponytails allowed).
JPAC FEMALES- Black leotard & leggings, purple shorts, pink tights & ballet shoes
--STUDENTS MUST WEAR COVER-UPS (top & bottom) over leotard when entering and leaving the premises
(to promote modesty), no bare feet.
--NO JEWELRY (wedding bands and earrings are allowed)